View Full Version : plotting and wave writing

11-05-2005, 04:08 PM
I have a speech signal which has 234 frames and 640 samples in each
frame. My code involves putting the apech signalin a for loop and at
the end of the code i want to plot the whole signal but the plot only
shows the last value.

How can i get a plot of the whole signal instead of a frame by frame
plot? The same problemis encounered when i try and wave write the file
as well....part of the code is shown below....

for t = 1:NumberOfFramesW
for j = 1:640

u(1) = WE(t,j); %input (excitation)
for i= 1:p+1, w(i)=v(i); end; %update all delays outputs

for i= 2:p+1, u(i) = u(i-1) - k(p+2-i) * w(p+2-i); end; %update
v(1) = u(p+1);
for i= 2:p+1, v(i) = w(i-1) +k(i-1) * u(p+3-i); end; %update

sn = u(p+1); %output sample
s(t,j) = sn;
here if i plot s, i get only the last 640 samples; instead of the whole

plz help