View Full Version : Re: 1st order all pass filter implementation

Martin Eisenberg
07-24-2005, 05:11 PM
Huo Jiaquan wrote:

> I am reading a piece of C code supposedly implementing a 1st
> order all pass filter of transfer function
> A(z) = (C+z^-1)/(1+C*z^-1) with the output decimated by a factor
> of 2

More precisely, it applies A(z) to the even-indexed input subsequence
and writes out the result with stride two. Let me restate the loop
more succinctly:

for(i = 0; i < N/4; ++i) {
t = in[4*i+0] - C*d;
out[4*i+0] = d + C*t;
d = in[4*i+2] - C*t;
out[4*i+2] = t + C*d;

This is equivalent to the loop:

for(i = 0; i < N/2; ++i) {
t = in[2*i] - C*d;
out[2*i] = d + C*t;
d = t;

> I made the following derivation:
> Y(z) = A(z)X(z).
> Since we want to do decimation, I multiply the numerator and
> denumerator by (1-Cz^-1). Note that the conjugate on C is
> ignored. We get
> Y(z) = (1 - Cz^-1)(C + z^-1) / (1 - C^2z^-2)X(z).
> Moving the denumerator to the left and then moving z^-2Y(z) term
> to the right, it follows
> Y(z) = CX(z) + (1 - C^2)z^-1X(z) - Cz^-2X(z) - C^2z^-2Y(z).

The last term above and in Q(z) below should have positive sign.

> To avoid buffering Y(z) (as you can see, it's named temp1 in the
> code, it's just an intermidiate result), I group all terms with
> delay together, call it Q(z)
> Q(z) = (1 - C^2)z^-1X(z) - Cz^-2X(z) - C^2z^-2Y(z).
> Let
> I(z) = Q(z) / (1 - C^2),
> we have
> Y(z) = I(z)+C[X(z)-CI(z)],
> which is the first 2 lines of the code, if data0=I(z).


> But then the 3rd and 4th lines are very odd.

Let's ignore them for a second and carry on with your analysis.

> For updating I(z) from z^-2I(z), substitute Y(z) as in the above
> equation into the definition of I(z), one can get
> I(z) = z^-1X(z) - Cz^-2X(z) - C^2z^-2I(z)
> = z^-1X(z) - Cz^-2G(z)
> where
> G(z) = X(z)+CI(z)
> is calculated in the first line (temp0).

Correct the follow-up sign error:

(1) I(z) = z^-1X(z) - Cz^-2G(z),
(2) G(z) = X(z) - CI(z).

Solve (2) for X(z), substitute in (1) and simplify to get

zI(z) = G(z),

tantamount to the third line "d = t;" in my equivalent loop. The step
from my code to yours is called unrolling and reduces looping
overhead. It is unrelated to the decimation that filtering only an
input subsequence effects.


Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.